The Whore in the House of God. 
          Religion in True Blood.
If you've ever seen True Blood (and over 5 million did, at least for the most recent season premiere.)[1] then you have seen the opening sequence. It is compiled with a mixture of blatant religious and sexual imagery.  The creator wanted to take a “pulpy romp that was entertaining and unmannered” approach with the opening sequence to convey the message that the vampires in True Blood are considered sexual/social outcasts in the south.[2]

Throughout the series, characters like Sookie Stackhouse are accosted for being "vampire sympathizer". That because she is in a relationship with one then she is "damned" just the same as they are. The more conservative/ignorant characters view the vampires as an abomination and that any relations between human and vampire is unnatural. This mirrors the way that some religious groups have treated (and still do) homosexuality. Around the :40 mark in the above video of the opening sequence you can see a billboard stating "god hates fangs" 


Or you could look right here at this screen cap.

This is a jab at the Westboro Baptist Church. If you've never heard of them- they're the "God Hates Fags" movement. (I cannot believe I'm about to quote them or "repeat" anything they've put out into the world) Printed right there on their main page (which is actually don't go there, it made me want to vomit) they state "In 1991, WBC began conducting peaceful demonstrations opposing the fag lifestyle of soul-damning, nation-destroying filth." Which is essentially the mission statement for every god fearing redneck on the show.

Along with discrimination comes someone fighting for equal rights. The head of the American Vampire League (AVL) is a vampire named Nan Flanagan. Nan advocates vampire rights by appearing on televised debates and advocating equality and not hate and intolerance. 
This is just one of the many times that Nan appears on the show advocating vampire rights and debating their basic "human" rights and their right to get married. This is not unlike something we might see today on the news debating whether or not same sex marriages should be legal. As its said around the 1:30 mark that they're not for denying American's their rights, just vampires and also homosexuals shouldn't be allowed to be married. To which Nan responds that the VRA (Vampire Rights Amendment) is the  will of the American people. Showing us that the vampire characters are united with homosexual Americans.

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